International Yoga Day 2024 21st June 2024
International Yoga Day 2024 21st June 2024
9th International Yoga day was celebrated by the Students, Faculty members & NSS Wing of Sabarmati University on 21st June 2024. Prof. (Dr.) Parshuram Dhaked, Dean Academics and Prof. (Dr.) Jyoti Srivastava, Registrar, also participated in the celebration. The function began with a brief introduction of Yoga Day by Dean Academics which included discussion on different Yog Asanas and their benefits in day to day life. A brief introduction of the Instructor was given by Ms. Sweta Thakkar, Yoga trainer and Dr. Dilip Chaudhari, Sports instructor. The Chief guests were felicitated respectively.
It was followed by warm up exercises and then practice of various Yog Asanas. The asanas included Tadasana (centers our body and mind, which helps create a calm sense of inner peace), Padmasana (beneficial for keeping your mind calm and composed), Vajrasana (helps our digestive system in many ways) and paschimottanasana (helps calming our mind and relieving stress, this pose stretches our spine, shoulders, and hamstrings). Different pranayams were practiced which included Anulom – Vilom (calms our mood, helps in anger management, and improves our focus), Bhastrika (improves digestion. Removes blockages from the nose and chest) and Kapalbhati (strengthens the functions of the liver and kidneys). The function ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Anshul Rajawat.