Informative Programme for Young Students at Sabarmati University

Events & Webinars

Informative Programme for Young Students at Sabarmati University

22nd February 2025

Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM  

Venue: Seminar Hall, Sabarmati University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382481  

Organized by:  

Sabarmati University, in association with the Rotary Club of Ahmedabad Majesty Star, Rotary Club of Ahmedabad Heritage, and Alliance International Sadbhavna Club.


Sabarmati University, in collaboration with esteemed Rotary Clubs, successfully organized an informative programme for young students on 22nd February 2025. The event aimed to provide valuable insights on career growth, leadership, corporate communication, and personal development.

Programme Highlights:  

The event featured prominent speakers from various professional domains, offering expert guidance on essential topics. The key sessions were as follows:

1. Guidance for Career Growth and Opportunities  

   – Speaker: Mr. Nigam Shah (SWEC Student World Education Consultant)  

   – Focus: Career advancement and overseas education opportunities.

2. Guidance on Team Building and Leadership  

   – Speaker: Mrs. Sudha Shah (Synergize Skills)  

   – Focus: Leadership skills and effective teamwork strategies.

3. How to do Corporate Communication and Global Marketing & Future Opportunities  

   – Speaker: Mr. Subhojit Sen (Strategic Media Services Public Relations & Communication Agency)  

   – Focus: Corporate communication strategies and global marketing insights.

4. Strengthening the Mind: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing New Beginnings  

   – Speaker: Mrs. Jalpan Lala (State VP of Woman Chamber of Commerce & State Chair of G100)  

   – Focus: Mental resilience and personal growth strategies.

 Key Organizers & Coordinators:  

– Rtn Chirantan Dave – Project Chair, Heritage Club  

– Rtn Nigam Shah – Project Chair, Majesty Star Club  

– Ally Mrs. Jalpan Lala – Vice President, Alliance Sadbhavna Club  

– Prof. (Dr.) Kirit Vyas – Provost, Sabarmati University  

– Dr. Meghna Dey – Event In-Charge, Sabarmati University  

– Dr. Tirtha Karmakar – NSS Programme Coordinator, Sabarmati University  

– Dr. Priyanka Bhatt – NSS Programme Coordinator, Sabarmati University


The event was highly informative and impactful, equipping students with crucial knowledge and skills for their academic and professional journeys. The Event was successfully anchored by Dr. Mittal Joshi and Mr. Aniket Parmar, Assistant Professors from dept. of Humanities and social Sciences. The interactive sessions and expert guidance provided a holistic learning experience, empowering students to explore global opportunities and enhance their career prospects. The organizers received positive feedback, and the success of the event marked a step forward in fostering student development at Sabarmati University.