134th Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti 2024- Celebrated on 12th April
134th Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti 2024- Celebrated on 12th April
Time: 03:00 P.M. onwards
Venue: Seminar Hall, Sabarmati University
Distinguished Guests:
- Provost Dr. Kirit B. Vyas
- Registrar Dr. Jyoti Shrivastava
- Dean Academics Dr. Parshuram Dhaked
- Director, School of Law, Dr. Vivek T. Sidhu
- Head of the Department, School of Law Dr. Sunita Chauhan
Event Organizers:
Dr. Vivek T. Sidhu, Director, School of Law
Dr. Sunita Chauhan, Head of the Department, School of Law
Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti Bhim Jayanti, also known as Ambedkar Jayanti, is celebrated on 14th April every year to honor the memory of B. R. Ambedkar, a renowned Indian politician and social reformer who was born on the same day in 1891. In some parts of India, it is also known as ‘Equality Day’.
The first public celebration of Ambedkar’s birthday was held in Pune in 1928 by Janardan Sadashiv Ranapisay, an Ambedkarite and social activist who started the tradition of Ambedkar Jayanti. On 12th April 2024, the School of Law at Sabarmati University will organize a celebration of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Jayanti.
Welcome and Inauguration
The event began with a cordial welcome from Dr. Kirit Vyas, Vice Chancellor, Dr. Jyoti Srivastav, Registrar, Dr. Parshuram Dhaked, Dean Academics, Dr. Vivek T. Sidhu, Director, Dr. Sunita Chauhan, Head of Department of School of Law, along with all the faculty members and students of Sabarmati University. The ambience was set with the traditional lighting of the lamp and Swaraswati Vandana, which signified the auspiciousness of the occasion.
Welcome Speech
Dr. Vivek Sidhu, Director of the School of Law, graciously welcomed all attendees and highlighted the significance of commemorating the 134th Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti. Dr. Kirit Vyas shared insightful thoughts.
Speaker – LLB and LLM Students
The following individuals are discussing different articles related to rights:
- Ms. Nimisha, in her fourth semester of LLB, is explaining the Rights of Equality (Articles 14-18).
- Mr. Sanjay, who is also pursuing LLB, is discussing the Freedom of Rights (Articles 19-22).
- Mr. Pradhuman Gohil is explaining the Rights of Exploitation (Articles 23-24).
- Mr. Mohmmad Husain, in his third semester of LLM, is providing information about the Rights of Freedom on Religion (Articles 25-28).
- Mr. Krishnakant Patel, in his third semester of LLB, is talking about the Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29-30).
- Lastly, Mr. Shankar Ghosh, in his second semester of LLB, is talking about the remedies.
Certificate of Appreciation
Certificates of Appreciation were given to participating students by Dr. Jyoti Srivastav, Dr. Kirit Vyas, Dr. Parshuram Dhaked, Dr. Vivek Sidhu, and Dr. Sunita Chauhan.
Vote of Thanks
During the 134th Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti, organized by Sabarmati University’s School of Law, Dr. Sunita Chauhan and Dr. Vivek Sidhu, representing the organizing committee, delivered the vote of thanks. They expressed their gratitude to all the participants, faculty members, students, and organizers for their presence and active engagement in the programme.
In conclusion, the event was held in memory of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s life, education, and his contributions as an Indian politician and social reformer.
Glimpses of Dr. BR Ambedkar Jayanti Event