National Webinar on Time Management for Self-Empowerment 13-07-2023

National Webinar on Time Management
Events & Webinars

National Webinar on Time Management for Self-Empowerment 13-07-2023


In today’s fast-paced world, effective time management has become essential for individuals seeking to enhance their productivity and achieve their goals. Recognizing its significance, Sabarmati University, in collaboration with the NSS team, organized a national-level skill development workshop titled “Time Management for Self-Empowerment” on 13th July, 2023 from 1100hrs. The workshop aimed to equip participants with practical strategies and techniques to optimize their time management skills. The workshop witnessed a strong turnout with more than 50 participants in attendance. These individuals were eager to enhance their time management abilities and improve their overall productivity. Dr. Ashwini Atul Renavikar was the key note speaker of the webinar. The webinar took place under the able guidance of Provost I/C, Dr. Kirit Vyas, Registrar, Dr. Jyoti Srivastava and Dean Academics, Prof. (Dr.) Parshuram Dhaked. The webinar was moderated by Ms. Urvi Raipura, Dr. Suman Mishra, Dr. Siddhi Kediya and Ms. Laxmi Tiwari.

Key Areas of Discussion:

During the workshop, several key areas of time management were explored and discussed. The following are the main topics that were covered:

1. Set Clear Goals:

Participants were encouraged to define clear and specific goals to provide direction and purpose to their efforts. Setting achievable and measurable goals enables individuals to focus their time and energy effectively.

2. Prioritize Tasks:

The importance of prioritization was emphasized, as it allows individuals to identify and tackle the most significant tasks first. By focusing on high-priority activities, participants can maximize their productivity and ensure important deadlines are met.

3. Plan and Schedule:

Effective planning and scheduling were highlighted as crucial elements of time management. Participants were guided on techniques to create daily, weekly, and monthly schedules, allocating dedicated time slots for specific tasks and activities.

4. Avoid Procrastination:

Procrastination was identified as a major obstacle to effective time management. Strategies to overcome procrastination, such as breaking tasks into smaller, manageable parts and utilizing time-blocking techniques, were discussed to help participants increase their productivity.

5. Eliminate Time Wasters:

Participants learned to identify and eliminate common time-wasting activities, such as excessive social media usage, unnecessary meetings, or excessive multitasking. By minimizing distractions, individuals can reclaim valuable time for more important tasks.

6. Delegate and Outsource:

The concept of delegating tasks and outsourcing responsibilities was explored. Participants gained insights into the benefits of leveraging the skills and abilities of others to achieve greater efficiency and productivity.

7. Learn to Say No:

The workshop emphasized the importance of setting boundaries and learning to say no when necessary. Participants were provided with strategies to effectively manage their commitments and avoid overloading their schedules.

8. Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care:

The significance of self-care and the importance of taking regular breaks were discussed. Participants were encouraged to incorporate breaks into their schedules and engage in activities that promote relaxation and well-being, thereby improving overall productivity.


The “Time Management for Self-Empowerment” workshop offered valuable insights and practical strategies to help participants enhance their time management skills. By setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, planning and scheduling effectively, avoiding procrastination, eliminating time wasters, delegating tasks, learning to say no, and practicing self-care, individuals can optimize their efficiency and achieve greater productivity. The workshop served as a reminder that effective time management is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness, discipline, and adaptability. It is through mastering time management that individuals can harness their potential, maximize their productivity, and achieve success in all areas of life.